Making Christmas*

It’s here…it’s Christmas (almost). This is going to be a quick one so I can get back to relaxing in front of the fire (and listening to the far too loud Roomba cleaning the floor).

I really enjoy the whole Christmas season (I think it’s all the twinkly lights) but my favorite part of the whole thing is Christmas Eve. Again, the twinkly lights, the anticipation, the excitement, and the quiet little moments I take to appreciate it all. Christmas day always seems to pale in comparison (at least for me). So, I for one will be doing a lot of enjoying today!

This Christmas is a big one for the Mister & me: it’s our first one at home and while I miss seeing non-Charleston family, there’s something so sweet about waking up in my own bed and being on my own couch (see photo one). Wishing you a calm day, filled with bright moments.

If you’re still wrapping gifts, consider using recyclable brown paper and a sprig of something from your garden (or off your tree, if you use a ‘real’ one). I love the look of simple wrappings and it doesn’t have to go into the landfill. We have a mix of mainstream wrapping paper and brown paper (we’re trying to use up what we already have). But I wrapped this one, especially for the mister. Any guesses what’s inside? Full disclosure: I can’t really remember so it will be exciting for me too when he opens it on Christmas morning!

The title of this post is 100% the same as the song, Making Christmas…maybe you don’t know this one. Merry Christmas, y’all!

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